Gugus Simba Plus : Probiotics In Fish And Shrimp Feed

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Gugus Simba Plus was the best fish and shrimp probiotics  in Indonesia today. These products are created by experts from the Bandung Institute of Technology Biological Sciences. And here are probiotic products for fish and shrimp :

A. SPF - Super Plankton Fertilizer
Plankton growth boosters. Is synthesis between macro and micro elements of the components that are needed for the enrichment of the soil / pond bottom and the enrichment of plankton in the water pond / pool / pond which is very vital needs of fish and shrimp in order to grow bigger and faster.

Functions and Benefits:
- Fertile ground pond bottom / pond / dam
- Stimulate and encourage the growth of plankton is the natural food of fish and shrimp
- Improving the survival and spur the growth of fish and shrimp to be more weighted
- Neutralizes toxins in the pond bottom due to the inedible food waste

To Stimulate and Encourage Growth of Plankton
Applications on 1 hectare of pond per: Dissolve 2-4 bottles of SPF in 10-20 liters of water stir and scatter evenly into the pond water. Perform 5-6 days until the plankton flourish over time for the natural food supply of fish and shrimp for maintenance until harvest.
Application on concrete pond / land / tarp: Each spacious pool / pond one square meter requires 1-2 bottle cap SPF dissolved in 1-2 liters of water stir and scatter evenly in the pond. every 5-6 days for plankton flourish. Very nice effect if given at the pool after being exposed to acid rain.

For the colonies to surrounding ponds
For heavy foundation soil per 1 hectare pond: dissolve 2 bottles of SPF in 10-20 liters of water and stir to evenly scatter pond already flooded as high as 10 cm. Let it proceed 5-6 days after it is inserted into the pond water as expected. Further provision of SPF 10-day repeated once
For heavy foundation pools / ponds: Each 1 square meter of pond area scatter a bottle cap that has SPF dissolved in 1-2 liters of water. Let the till 5-6 days full of new water added. For outdoor concrete / cement delivery starts from the SPF does not need heavy foundation. but sown directly onto the surface of the pool water once a week as needed

SPF effectively to stimulate / increase the weight of fish / shrimp. The way a bottle of water mixed with enough SPF and dikocorkan at 1-2 kg of feed pellets / concentrate. Even better if mixed with RAJALELE / NUTRITION / RAJAGRAMEH according to the type of cultivation.
Packaging: 500 ml

B. MASTER FISH - Savior Fish Seed
Master Fish is a probiotic microbial colonies are very effective to improve the quality of pool water and is very helpful in spawning fish seeds mainly to protect the eggs and push the seeds of death due to change of temperature, water quality degradation and displacement locations.

Functions and Benefits:
- Enhance immunity / immune exposed fish from stress or disease attacks the deadly bacterial pathogen
- Increase the egg hatchability so high fertility
- Maintain pool water quality that is always conducive to the health of fish and shrimp
- Fast curing of fish and shrimp are injured or ill
- Avoid pools of water affected by blooming so that conditions remain stable odorless and foaming

Usage Rules:
Seeds for the Protection of Fish and Shrimp do 3 days before stocking fingerlings in ponds prior dikocor with 1/2 bottle of Master Fish that are mixed with 5 tablespoons of sugar / molasses and stirred sufficiently evenly all of the surface of the pool (area of ​​1000 square meters). Excessive doses are harmless. This application will create a pool of water ripe (ready), so conducive to the fish when it entered the pond. Further repeated once a week after the needs of.

General rule:
Mix Master Fish 5 bottle caps into 1 liter of water and 2 tablespoons of sugar / molasses. Allow 30 minutes - 1 hour. But every 15 minutes stirred for optimal activation takes place. Sprinkle the surface evenly throughout the pool. Give 5 closed when the parent mating and hatching eggs as well as alleviate current parent, the application may be repeated once or three days to see the condition of fish. Master Fish optimal benefits over the seeds are stocked in the pond soil
Packing: 500 ml

C. NATURE - Basic Pond fertilizer
Local natural isolates of probiotic microbes Indonesia for processing continuous pond bottom soil.

Functions and Benefits:
- Improve soil structure and fertilize the pond bottom so that the natural food such as worms grow abundantly
- Parse the toxins in the bottom of the pond such as ammonia, nitrites, and sulfites, and make more stable water conditions so that the fish / shrimp are not easy to stress, weak, or diseased
- Curing fish and shrimp from munggut / salad, yellow flame diseases, etc..
- Growing plankton so the pond water is always green
- Rejuvenate another pond that has long operated to normal fertility
- Prevent the fish and shrimp from the attack of fungi and bacterial pathogens that can harm
- Reduce the sharp temperature difference between day and night in the season transition

For usage instructions Pond (per hectare):
For the colonies to surrounding ponds in general. Add water to the pond as high as 5-10 cm. Combine 1-2 liter NATURE with 1/2 kg sugar / molasses and stir in 10-50 liters of water. Let stand for 6-12 hours, stirring every hour so that the process is complete. Further spread evenly into the pond. Let the condition is 10-12 days. New water is fully incorporated and the seeds inside. If you want better results, before the pond bottom were NATURE, first scatter with green manure / compost.

For milkfish pond bottom. Combine 2-4 liters of NATURE, 10-20 liters of water (perhaps more), 1 kg sugar / molasses. Stir and let stand 1 hour. Once it is spread evenly into the pond. Subsequently repeated every 7-10 days to increase plankton

For shrimp pond bottom / pole. Combine 4 quarts NATURE, 10-20 liters of water, 1 kg sugar / molasses. Stir and let stand for 1 hour. Once it is spread evenly into the pond. subsequent re 7-10 days to increase plankton

To green pond water. Campuirkan 3-4 liters of NATURE at 1-2 quintals of manure / guano or inorganic fertilizers such as urea / NPK, TSP 10 kg. Stir 1-6 minutes. Then spread evenly into the pond. NATURE repeated granting any water condition is not good / better after the rain and if it is mixed with NUTRITION

To overcome munggut, stress, blooming conditions. Combine 3-4 liters of NATURE, 10-20 liters of water should be no more, 1 kg sugar / molasses. Stir and let stand 1 hour. After the stocking evenly into the pond. If not resolved to the maximum, repeat next day delivery NATURE directly to the condition of pond, fish and shrimp recovered to normal and even better when mixed with NUTRITION

For seedling / nursery seedlings of other fish. Combine 10-15 NATURE bottle cap on the 5 tablespoons sugar and 2 liters of water, stir well and let stand 1 hour disclose to the pool. Last dose for ponds area 20-30 m2 with a height of 50-70 cm. Harmless given in doses more.

Ingredients: Lactobacillus, acetobacter, Azotobacter, Bacillus, and yeast and microbial selection with very high density
Packaging: 1000 ml

D. RAJAGRAMEH - hyper growth of carp
A local isolate probiotic microbes native to Indonesia with the content of Rhodobacter, lactobacillus, and yeast acetobacter very effective for the cultivation of carp and other scales of fish (tilapia, tawes, catfish, carp, etc..) In order to produce the maximum sustainable fish production and environmentally friendly .

Functions and Benefits:
- Increase the appetite of fish
- Encourage the growth of carp to the maximum
- Add weight to accelerate the harvest of fish and
- Preventing the loss growing (stunted fish)
- Reduce the death rate (mortality)
- Reduce the total food import
- Eliminate odor (fishy) pool due to ammonia
- Increase the absorption of protein in order to feed meat to the maximum

To feed so (pellet). Combine 5 RAJAGRAMEH bottle caps into 1 liter of water add 2 tablespoons granulated sugar / molasses and mix well. Furthermore kocorkan / stir the liquid into the 10-15 kg of feed pellets until liquid is absorbed. Be stocked half the morning, the rest can be stored in an enclosed place to be in the afternoon. During the day should be fed with leaves. RAJAGRAMEH probiotic is still effective even if kept 12 hours after mixing.
For homemade food. Combine 5-10 RAJAGRAMEH bottle caps into 10 liters of water and add 2 tablespoons granulated sugar / molasses and mix evenly. Soak the artificial feed such as sente leaves, spinach, taro, papaya, cassava or soybean meal, pulp out, bran, etc.. into the fluid for 6-24 hours for fermentation takes place. After dientas can be directly stocked for fish food.
Packaging: 500 ml and 1000 ml

E. RAJALELE - hyper growth of Lele
Functions and Benefits:
- Increased appetite and spur the growth of catfish to the maximum
- Add weight weight crop yields and shorten the length of time
- Preventing the loss growing / dwarf and lower mortality
- Increase the absorption of protein in the feed to be meat to the maximum
- Reduce the total food import
- Eliminate odor / stench caused by ammonia and other toxic gases

To feed the floating or sinking. Mix 1 bottle RAJALELE into 1/4 liter of water add one tablespoon of granulated sugar / molasses and stir well. Further scatter or stir the liquid into a 2-3 kg of feed pellets to liquid seep average, the mixing can be large amounts of feed can be stocked in the morning half and half in the afternoon with a closed and stored in a dry place. RAJALELE probiotics are effective for 24 hours of stored diving after mixing
Packaging: 500 ml and 1000 ml

F. NUTRITION SIMBA - Probiotics hyper growth
Local natural isolates of probiotic microbes Indonesia for fish and shrimp farming sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Functions and Benefits:
- Create a voracious fish and shrimp meal (high appetite)
- Speeding up the process of moulting shrimps and spur the growth of fish
- Increase the absorption of protein and carbohydrate contained in the feed
- Preventing the loss growing (dwarf)
- Prevent stress and increase resilience of fish and shrimp
- Maintaining water quality and eliminate the bad smell (fishy) pool
- Speeding up the process of wound healing in fish body
- Shorten the time of harvest and reduced customs in total production

To feed so pellet. Combine 5 bottle caps with a spoon NUTRITION sugar / molasses and stir evenly into 1 liter of water, then soak in the scatter or 4-8 kg of feed pellets both floating and sinking pellets. Allow 10 minutes to inflate food, feed new stocked into ponds.

For homemade food. Combine 5-6 NUTRITION bottle caps into 1 liter of water and add 1 tablespoon granulated sugar / molasses and mix evenly. Soak 5-10 kg of feed made ​​such sente leaves, spinach, taro, papaya, cassava or soybean meal, pulp out, bran, etc.. into the fluid for 6-12 hours before fermentation is complete. After dientas can be directly stocked for fish food.
Packaging: 1000 ml

G. BENDOZ-A - Exterminator Fungus Disease In Fish
Functions and Benefits:
- Eradicate the disease affecting carp, tilapia, pomfret, koi, mas chef, etc.. whether caused by fungi, parasites, viruses or other pathogenic bacteria
- Maintain quality and stable water conditions after rain or sharp temperature changes
- Restore the condition of healthy and fresh fish back after stress / prayers / munggut
- Pressing the fishing mortality rate, especially at the age of fish seed
- Maintain the resistance of fish during the trip / transport

For treatment: Dose 3-5 caps mix 2 liters of water pour into the pond surface area of ​​100 m2 or sick fish that enter into it for 1 minute then released into a new pool where the water is ready
For the prevention and treatment ponds: Dose 1-2 caps given at the pool instead of new water, when fish began to look sick or float to the surface of the pond. Better administered at least once a week so that fungi and bacteria do not grow negative
For transportation: Dose 1 cap set forth in 1 m3 of water
Packaging: 100 ml

H. PIDAS - Catfish Disease Eradication
Antibiotics that are mikrobiosidal (high kill defenseless against fish diseases) Contains content enrofloxacine highly effective for treating various diseases catfish both caused by parasites, fungi, bacteria or disease pathogens such as red spots, white spots, sores fins, body mottled, bleeding gills, fish, float, etc..

Pour 1-2 caps PIDAS into 1/4 liter of water. Stir briefly and dikocorkan (soak at 1-2 kg of feed pellets. Leave it for 5 minutes until the solution soak and feed expands, and then given to the catfish pond. If the fish will not eat, PIDAS be immediately washed down into the water pool. Giving PIDAS done in the morning and afternoon for 3 days.
Packaging: 100 ml

I. S-FISH - Liquid Fish Antibiotics
S-Fish or Fish Safety is an abbreviation of a liquid antibiotic to main content enrofloxacine highly beneficial to cope with stress and disease in fish and shrimp. S-FISH can heal shrimp (pole, tiger, lobster) and fish (milkfish, carp, tilapia, carp, etc..) From the attacks of parasites, viruses, fungi, so the death rate (mortality) of fish can be suppressed.

Pour 2 S-FISH bottle cap into the water to taste, mix well then scatter on 1 kg of feed. Take a few moments until the food is ready to expand and spread out to feed pond / pond. S-FISH is given in the morning and evening for 3 days. If on the first day of fish had returned to normal conditions, the provision could be stopped. And can feed back given probiotics as usual. Note: during the administration of antibiotics, probiotics administration temporarily suspended.
Packaging: 100 ml

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