HERBAFARM : A Formula that Contains Nutrients or Supplements for Growth and Improve Immune System

email : tokomajubersama@ymail.com

NuTrend International HERBAFARM for Livestock, Fisheries, Aquaculture 
Herbafarm Livestock is a formula that contains nutrients / supplements for growth and improve immune system in cattle with a composition containing probiotics, organic nutrients, and essential materials needed for the development of livestock.
Livestock Herbafarm specially formulated from herbal ingredients that can be applied to most types of livestock, among other things, chickens, ducks, rabbits, goats, sheep, buffalo, cows, horses etc.

Hebafarm Excellence Livestock
- Accelerate the physical growth of farm animals
- Increase of appetite
- Stimulates digestive enzymes
- Efficient feeding
- Contains essential minerals
- Accelerate the age of slaughter cattle
- Increase the number of egg production for laying poultry
- Boost the immune system of livestock

Microbial Content of Probiotic Herbafarm Livestock
- Lactobacillus sp. is the type of probiotic bacteria. Related to its ability to inhibit bacterial pathogens through the secretion of antibacterial compounds such as lactic acid, peroxide and bacteriocins.
- Aspergillus sp. is a type of fungi that produce cellulase enzymes that digest fibrous feed into simpler components.
- Saccharomyces yeasts belonging cereviceae is eurokariot oval-shaped dots are probiotics. Microbial strains have multiple enzymes that have important functions, namely intervase, peptidase and zimase. These microbes in cows to increase milk production and body weight.
- Azotobacter sp, rizobakteri species known as dinitrogen diazotrof pemiksasi biological agents, which convert dinitrogen into ammonium through electron reduction and protonation of dinitrogen gas.
- Azospirillum sp, is a bacteria that inhibit nitorogen nonsimbiotik and produce growth hormone and is able to break down organic materials such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Applications Herbafarm Livestock
- Livestock of: buffalo, cattle, horses: 5-10 ml Nutrend Herbafarm Livestock dissolved in 1-2 liters of drinking water of livestock, given to drink every day. Special animal feeding livestock, to improve the quality and quantity of milk as much as giving Nutrend Herbafarm Livestock 10-15 ml dissolved in 1-2 liters of drinking water of livestock.
- Small Livestock: Goats, rabbits: 2-4 ml Nutrend Herbafarm Livestock dissolved in 1-2 liters of drinking water of livestock, given to drink every day. Special animal feeding livestock, to improve the quality and quantity of milk as much as giving Nutrend Herbafarm Livestock 5-10 ml dissolved in 1-2 liters of drinking water of livestock.
- Poultry: chicken, duck: 1-2 ml Nutrend Herbafarm Livestock dissolved in 1 liter of drinking water of cattle, to be drunk every day.

We Serve Worldwide Shipping :
Afghanistan Kabul Pretoria Bangui Algeria Albania Tirana Washington   Andorra Angola Luanda Antigua St. John’s Argentina Buenos Aires Australia Canberra Oceania Austria Vienna Azerbaijan Baku Bahrain AI Manama Bangladesh Dacca Barbados Bridgetown Netherlands Amsterdam Belau Koror Australia Oceania Belgian Brussels Belize Belmopan Belorussia Minsk Benin Porto Novo Bhutan Thimbu Bolivia La Paz Bosnia Herzegovina Sarajevo Botswana Gaborone Brasilia Brunei Darussalam Bandar Seri Begawan Bulgaria Sofia Burkina Faso Ouagadougou Bujumbura Czech Prague Chad Ndjamena Chilli Santiago Costa Rica San José Croatia Zagreb Denmark Copenhagen Dominica Santo Domingo EI Salvador San Salvador Ecuador Quito Eritrea Asmara Estonia Tallinu Ethiopia Ads Ababa Micronesia Ponapean Australia Oceania Fiji Suva Australia Oceania Filipina Manila Finland Helsinki Gabon Libreville Gambia Banyul Georgia Grozny Ghana Ark Grenada St. George’s Guadeloupe Bessel Terre Guatemala Guinea Conakry Guinea Bissau Guinea Malabo Guyana Georgetown Guyana Cayenne Haiti Port au Prince Honduras Tegucigalpa Hungarian Budapest Ina New Delhi Indonesia Jakarta United Kingdom of England London Iraq Bagdad Iran Teheran Irlana Dublin Island Reykjavik Israel Tel Aviv Italia Roma Jamaica King stone Japan Tokyo German Berlin Djibouti New Caledonia Norma  Australia Oceania Cambodia Phnom Penh Cameroon Yaoundé Canada Ottawa Kazakhstan Alma Ata Kenya Nairobi Kirgiz Frunze Kiribati Bairiki Australia Oceania Columbia Bogota Congo Brazzaville Korea Seoul South Korea Pyongyang North Cuba Havana Kuwait AI Kuwait Laos Vientiane Latvia Riga Lesotho Maseru Lebanon Beirut Liberia Monrovia Libya Tripoli Lithuania Vilna Luxemburg Macedonia Skopje Maldives Male Malagasy Tananarive Malawi Lilongwe Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Mali Bamako Malta La Valetta Morocco Rabat Martinique Fort De France Mauritania Nouakchott Mauritius Port Louis Mexico City Egypt Cairo Moldavia Kishinev  Monaco Mongolia Ulaanbaatar East Mozambique Maputo Myanmar Rangoon Namibia Windhoek Nepal Kathmandu New Zealand Wellington Australia Oceania Nicaragua Managua Niger Niamey Nigeria Lagos Norwegian Oslo Qatar Doha Oman Muscat Pakistan Islamabad Panama Pantai Gading Abidjan Papua New Guinea Port Moresby Australia Oceania Paraguay Asuncion Peru Lima Puerto Rico San Juan Poland Warsaw a Portugal Lisbon France Paris Republic Rakyat China Beijing Rumania Bucharest Russia Moscow Rwanda Kigali Sahara El Alun Salomon Honiara Australia Oceania Samoa Apia Australia Oceania Saudi Arabia Riyadh Senegal Dakar Serbia Montenegro Beograd Sierra Leone Freetown Singapore Cyprus Nicosia Slovenia Ljubljana Slovakia Bratislava Somalia Mogadishu Spain Madrid Sri Lanka Colombo Sudan Khartoum Syria Damascus Suriname Paramaribo Swazi Land Mbabane Swede Stockholm Swiss  Bern Tadzhikistan Dushanbe Tahiti Pappete Taiwan Taipei Tanzania Dares’ Salam Thailand Bangkok Timor Leste Dili Togo Loma Tonga Nukualofa Trinidad & Tobago Port of Span Tunisia Tunis Turkey Ankara Turkmenistan Ashkhabad Tuvalu Funafuti Australia Oceania Uganda Kampala Ukraine Kiev Uni Emirate Arab Abu Dhabi Uruguay Montevideo Uzbekistan Tashkent Vanuatu Port Vila Australia Oceania Vatican Venezuela Caracas Vietnam Hanoi Yaman Aden Yemen Sana’a Jordanian Amman Greece Athena Zaire Kinshasa Zambia Lusaka Zimbabwe Harare
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